About Me

My Name is Megan Lavender, nice to meet you!

I am an ER & travel nurse based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Although I’m in Saskatchewan (most of the time) I take clients from anywhere in the world!

My passion for fitness began at a young age while playing competitive hockey in high school. Since then, I have gone through many ups and downs with weight lifting, nutrition and health in general. These experiences have helped me understand how to balance fitness and a busy lifestyle, while not sacrificing fun.

I received my personal trainer certification through ISSA and my nutrition education through Precision Nutrition in April of 2021. Since then, I have been working with a lot of clients from all demographics – male, female, young, old – to help them reach their health and fitness goals.

Megan Lavender Training

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer


Precision Nutrition PN1 Certification


Saskatchewan, Canada

Contact Info

(306) 740-7868
[email protected]

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